Sunday, March 31, 2013

Televangelist Joel Osteen responds to same-sex marriage

It's good to hear Joel Osteen not be a 'powder puff' Christian as usual, in our opinion.   Joel Osteen boldly admitted in his own words, he sees no where in the Bible homosexuality is acceptable, allegedly.   Usually, Pastor Osteen has went around the subject, but this time he boldly...

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Black Church News: Televangelist Joel Osteen responds to same-sex marriage | AT2W

North Peoria Church of Christ Celebrated Good Friday Despite Church Shooting Last Year on the Day

north peoria church of christ shooting

Three people were dead and two others in the hospital last Easter, after two white suspects reportedly drove through north Tulsa hunting for black people as targets.The shooting spree attracted national - even international - attention, with the famous civil rights leader in town to speak at a "Rally for Hope and Healing."

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Tulsa Church North Peoria Church of Christ Celebrated Good Friday Despite Church Shooting Last Year on the Day | AT2W

Norfolk VA. Pastor David Smith is arraigned on child porn charges


Pastor David Smith of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church has been arrested for child porn charges.  However, Pastor Smith has admitted to the crime and also, he needs help.  SCR readers, not too often do we hear of pastors and other types clergy members admitting to their crimes against children.   We are not letting Pastor Smith off the hook, but the only way these ministers can be helped is...

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Norfolk VA. pastor is arraigned on child porn charges | AT2W

Texas pastor Rebukes Victoria’s Secret marketing to teens


Black church, we think it is about time you pay close attention to what is going with sin in our country, not just homosexuality, but what is also going on with other types of sin that targets our young people.  Pastors and other clergy members within the black church should think very seriously about preaching against issues that negatively effects our families, not just leave it up...

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Black Church News: Texas pastor Rebukes Victoria’s Secret marketing to teens | AT2W

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

University Apologizes for Stomping Jesus

Now what would possess any professor to create such an assignment that instructs his or her students to write down the Son of God's name, 'Jesus' and stomp the paper?   As our Word informs us, hell is in the bowels of the earth.  SCR readers, we believe that whomever does not accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior will be on an assignment for Satan to do such a thing...

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University Apologizes for Stomping Jesus: Black Church Can you Believe It? | AT2W

Monday, March 25, 2013

Murdered Pastor Fred Winters’ Wife Writes New Book about of Peace and Hope, Forgives Gunman

Cindy Winters didn't set out to write a book. But as she journaled about her grief and pain after her husband Fred was killed in his Maryville, Ill., pulpit four years ago, she realized how healing the writing process could be. And she wanted to share that with others on a similar journey. Pastor Fred Winters was killed at First Baptist Church in Maryville in 2009, when a gunman entered a Sunday morning worship service on March 8 and shot him in the pulpit.

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Murdered Illinois Pastor Fred Winters’ Wife Writes New Book about of Peace and Hope, Forgives Gunman | AT2W

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Texas Pastor Responds to His Handling of a Child Sex Abuser on Church Staff

pastor jack graham

The pastor of a Texas Baptist megachurch, questioned about the handling of a staff member 24 years ago who was recently convicted of sex crimes in another state, noted in his Sunday sermon March 17 that Jesus didn't answer his accusers during trials before religious and civil authorities 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem.

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Texas Pastor Responds to His Handling of a Child Sex Abuser on His Church Staff | AT2W

Friday, March 22, 2013

Pope Francis I Demonstrates How to Use a Condom?

Pope Francis uses condom to show how to use one

Pope Francis I Demonstrates How to Use a Condom?

The Roman Catholic church's new leader, Pope Francis I, made a very bold statement and a new direction on this past Sunday. While followers gathered at the Saint Peter’s Square, the pope demonstrated how to correctly use and apply a condom! Yes, you heard it correctly. A man who has vowed to never have sex in his position, held one up and showed the world just how to use a LifeStyles-brand condom.
“It’s imperative that partners use a brand-new condom for each act of vaginal, anal, or oral sex and put it on as soon as erection occurs,”
“To reduce air pockets and minimize the risk of breakage, pinch the top of the semen reservoir with your thumb and forefinger, then withdraw the penis directly after ejaculation. And remember, always use a new condom when alternating between different sexual acts; it’s more effective, more sanitary, and improves the sexual experience for both partners.”
Francis added that though he understood condom use was not ideal for maximizing sexual pleasure and personally prefers not to wear them, they are the most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases besides abstaining from sex altogether.

What? He said he doesn't 'preferably' like using condoms himself?! Pope Francis has been a priest and was ordained in 1969, according to Wikipedia. He is not supposed to be having sex, right? Also, why in the world would he be doing this and not making any points tot he fact that people need to be married and having sex. In our eyes, he's using his position to bring out his own lustful desires. This is absurd!

This is not appropriate for the pope to be discussing. Again, instead of dealing with the sexual abuse of his priests in the organization, he wants to give us a sex education course that does not help the victims or the predators. Shame on him!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

1st Pastoral Anniversary for Lesbian Couple of The Gathering Church

Lesbian couple celebrate 1st pastoral anniversary

Here's another couple preaching in the church and obviously teaching others what they believe in. It's becoming a true trend. We believe that the church, for them, became too critical of their lives and they went out and are making it happen for them in their own way.

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Black Gay Church Alert: Lesbian Couple Celebrate 1st Pastoral Anniversary | AT2W

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Gospel’s Deitrick Haddon on Coco Brother Live Show! [AUDIO]

exodus event in atlanta 2013 with deitrick haddon

Deitrick Haddon speaks to Coco Brother about his recent 'tests' and 'storms' but that he feels he is more qualified to minister now because of his storms. He says he is more confident and on fire for God more than ever. We don't know about all of that but we do believe that storms will shape and mold you more so for ministry as long as we have the right intentions.

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Gospel’s Deitrick Haddon Speaks Out About His Recent Storms on Coco Brother Live! [AUDIO] | AT2W

Pastor A.B. Schirmer To Spend Life in Prison for Death of 2nd Wife

Former Pastor A.B. Schirmer To Spend Life in Prison for Death of 2nd Wife

We saw the full story of his life and the investigation on NBC's Dateline and he was really a seed for the church and any woman that was in contact with him. He's definitely getting exactly what he deserves for selfishly taking the lives of two women who loved him.

Report below:
A former Pennsylvania pastor was sentenced Monday to life in prison without parole in the fatal bludgeoning of his second wife in 2008.
Arthur "A.B." Schirmer, 64, was sentenced in Monroe County Court nearly two months after a jury convicted him of first-degree murder in the death of Betty Schirmer. The conviction brought an automatic life sentence.

"My mom is finally able to rest in peace," Betty Schirmer's son, Nate Novack, said after the sentencing. "We do have some closure and it's a great day overall, even though the life conviction isn't going to bring my mom back."

Schirmer is charged separately with killing his first wife, Jewel Schirmer, in 1999. He awaits trial in that case.

Prosecutors said he clubbed Betty Schirmer on the head with a crowbar, then loaded her into their car and staged a low-speed accident in an effort to conceal the crime. The former Methodist clergyman took the stand in his own defense and testified that he was driving her to the emergency room for treatment of jaw pain when he swerved to avoid a deer and hit a guard rail.

A jury deliberated about 90 minutes before returning its verdict.

Local police initially believed Betty Schirmer's July 2008 death was the result of a car crash. State police began a more thorough investigation months later, when a man committed suicide in Schirmer's office after learning the pastor was in a relationship with his wife, the church secretary.

The investigation into Betty Schirmer's death led police and prosecutors to take another look at Jewel Schirmer's case. Arthur Schirmer has long claimed he was out for a run on April 23, 1999, when he returned home to find Jewel Schirmer's body in a pool of blood at the bottom of the basement steps.

He was charged last September with killing her. He has maintained his innocence in both cases.

Source: The AP

South African Cardinal Apologizes for 'Pedophilia Is not a Crime' Remark

Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier says pedophilia is a illness not a crime

South African Cardinal Issues Apology for Stating Pedophilia Is not a Crime

AT2W: We have heard this before from another case. Many of these church leaders make a lot of excuses for their fellow clergymen. They are offended when people go against them for their wrongdoings and instead of owning up to the crimes, they want the victims to feel at fault for what they did not cause. Only God can judge them but we know someone will burn in hell for the hurt and pain caused by men and women of the church and their blatant disregard for their disgusting acts.

Read report below:

A South African cardinal on Monday apologized for offending victims of child abuse when he described pedophilia as an illness and not a crime in a media interview.

Victims' rights groups and others said the comments by Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, the Catholic Archbishop of Durban, comments were insensitive, especially given perceptions the Catholic Church has not done enough to root out abuse.
"I apologize sincerely and unreservedly to all who were offended by the botched interview, and especially to those who have been abused and need every help and support that the Church can give," Napier said in a statement.
Napier told BBC Radio 5 that pedophilia was a "disorder"and it needs to be treated.
"From my experience, pedophilia is actually an illness. It's not a criminal condition, it's an illness," he had said.
He also told the BBC a story about two priests he personally knows who became pedophiles after they were abused as children and therefore required treatment, not punishment.
"That's when the wheels came off. I now stand accused of saying that pedophilia is a mental condition or disorder and not a crime," Napier said in his statement.
"Child sexual abuse is a heinous crime among other things because of the damage it does to the child. In that concern I include the abused who has become an abuser."
We agree that pedophilia is an illness because it certainly is not a normal act but IT IS a crime as well. No one with good sense can deny that.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pastor Jack Hayford’s Grandson Kidnapped Yet Returned

Pastor Jack Hayford's Grandson Kidnapped Yet Returned Safely Home

Foursquare missionary Kyle Bauer, the grandson of Pastor Jack Hayford, was kidnapped Thursday in Mexico, near Puerto Vallarta. The authorities worked together between the local police, the FBI, and the U.S. Embassy, the family and others in order to safely have Kyle returned to his family last week.
Charisma Magazine reported:

Bauer, 31, and his wife, Teresa, were appointed as Foursquare missionaries to Mexico in 2011 and were deployed in August 2012. Kyle has been a Foursquare-credentialed minister since 2003 and was ordained in 2006. The Bauers have four children.

pastor jack hayford
"We are grateful to God for bringing Kyle safely back home to his wife and children," said Foursquare president Glenn Burris Jr., who has kept apprised of the situation at every turn. "The prayer support that permeated the past 24 hours is a testimony to the miraculous outcome of this story."
We are happy things have worked out for the family of Pastor Jack Hayford. We all know that it is very difficult to get a family member back home alive coming from Mexico.

New Pope Francis Being Called To Investigate Sex Abuse Charges

 Priest Abuse

The election of a new pope is said to possibly be a healing move for the Roman Catholic church if he deals with the growing sex abuse crisis that has savaged the church’s reputation worldwide, says the Associate Press. Will the Pope make a difference and deal with these issues of abuse for the victims?

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New Pope Francis Being Called To Investigate Sex Abuse Charges with Roman Catholic Clergy | AT2W

Church Scandal Report: Bishop T. D. Jakes allegedly Offends Pilar, Ex-wife of Deion Sanders


For all of you celebrity preachers and even the ones in smaller churches whom take sides against a hurting woman, payday is coming after while if you don't repent.  We respectively want to inform you that too many women have stop attending church because of you allegedly siding with people in the wrong.   Pilar Sanders has allegedly expressed she is very upset with Bishop T. D. Jakes...

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Black Church News: Celebrity Preacher Bishop T. D. Jakes allegedly Offends Pilar, Ex-wife of Deion Sanders | AT2W

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Church of God of America Inc.’s Pastor Sued By Church Members Inappropriate Use of Church Funds

 the Church of God of America Inc., sue pastor tim napier

The Church of God of America Inc. has been in battle since 2010 when the church and headquarters in Danville was burned down and over  $900,000 in insurance money was collected. The church has been sued by nearly 30 members of the church which alleges Tim Napier, the bishop and president of the church, and three others have misappropriated church funds for their own use while acting without proper authority to rebuild the church in Danville

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The Church of God of America Inc.’s Pastor Sued By Church Members Inappropriate Use of Church Funds | AT2W

3rd Pastoral Anniversary of Pastor Aaron B. Jones-Wade and First Gentleman

 the community church of washington, dc united church of christ

Yes! You heard it correctly. The pastor of The Community Church of Washington D.C., United Church of Christ is celebrating their 3rd pastoral anniversary. We never knew there were so many gay couples who run churches but we have learned that the black community has opened up even more to the United Church of Christ because of their liberal views.

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Black Gay Church Alert: 3rd Pastoral Anniversary of Pastor Aaron B. Jones-Wade and First Gentleman | AT2W

Michael Vick talks at Stone Mountain church about right choices

Michael Vick talks at stone mountain church after cancellation of book signing

Stone Mountain, GA.  It's wonderful to know, he is still moving forward.  However, we wish he could have continued his book signing tour without fear, because like our fellow journalists mentioned in a previous article at SCR, he did his time, he should not allow them to hold him in bondage.   Michael Vick came out with his autobiography, "Finally Free" to help other people and the main thing is...

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Celebrity News: Michael Vick talks at Stone Mountain church about right choices | AT2W

Pastor wants apology for Gov. Chris Christie’s race and gender remark


Allegedly, Governor Christie has referred to the first black female of the state Assembly by race and gender and Pastor Kenneth Clayton wants him to apologize. Now, we do not like to touch on racial issues much, because we know racism is an ancient spiritual issue that is no less painful than...

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Black Church News: Pastor wants apology for Gov. Chris Christie’s race and gender remark | AT2W

Imprisoned Pastor’s Wife Pleads with US Gov’t to help free husband

Naghmeh Abedini, the wife of the Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini who has been in imprisoned for believing in Jesus Christ is very upset with the US Government.  Allegedly no politician has shown up at any of the hearings or informed Mrs. Abedini that they would plead for his...

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Imprisoned Pastor’s Wife Pleads with US Gov’t to help free husband | AT2W

Friday, March 15, 2013

Rev. Jack Schaap wrote young victim that molestation was the Lord’s work?


Former pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond allegedly informed his victim in a letter that his affair with her was not only wrong, but desired by Jesus Christ.   Furthermore, he claimed it was the Lord's work.  Saints of God, the Devil has deceived this man.   What type of Lord was he...

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Megachurch pastor Jack Schaap wrote young victim that molestation was the Lord’s work, allegedly | AT2W

Former pastor arrested, charged with child molesting 13-year-old girl

We've go too many preachers in the pulpit whom have strange lusts for children.  This former pastor of Greater Works CME Church in Kansas City, Missouri has been arrested for molesting a 13-year-old girl.  This is happening so often nowadays, it should not be a common thing.  So, we wonder when are preachers in the black church going to start rebuking preachers nasty guys...

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Black Church News: Former pastor arrested, charged with child molesting 13-year-old girl | AT2W

Church Scandal: The black church won’t forgive my daughter for being gay

 black church news200 souls of black women

Sister, 'Regina (fictitious name)' confided in the journalists of Souls of Black Women about how the majority of the members mistreat her 20 year old daughter for being gay.  Regina says she helped start this independent holiness church in Oakland several years ago.  Her daughter made a mistake and chose the wrong path, after being abused by several men in her family all sorts of ways.  She admits there was even sexual abuse by one of her brothers when she was just a toddler.  Regina says her daughter stopped going to the church when the pastor took sexually advantage of her, after a counseling session and...

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Black women, the black church won’t forgive my daughter for being gay | AT2W

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pastor David Landrith of Long Hollow Baptist Church Announces Rare Cancer Diagnosis | AT2W

Let us pray for this pastor and his strength and faith in God for his healing. As we always say, there is healing in the name of Jesus and if we believe in the God we serve, than we have to believe He can heal us too!!

Prayer Needed for Pastor David Landrith of Long Hollow Baptist Church Rare Cancer Diagnosis | AT2W

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Archdiocese of Los Angeles Settles in Sex abuse cases

Now, because this ex-priest Michael Baker molested four children from a span of 26 years from 1974 to 2000, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has settled four sex abuse cases for $10 million.  This is sickening and very frightening to acknowledge why we have a messed up society today, too many people over various denominations...

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Archdiocese of Los Angeles settles four sex abuse cases for $10 million | AT2W

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Detroit Pastor asking for public’s help to catch church thieves


Pastor Roderick Dallas of Detroit will now beef up security, now someone broke into his church and stole over $15,000 worth of equipment.  He admits they had a camera, but not to record taped images, only live ones. The thieves broke into his church by using a claw hammer and a pair of scissors.  Although, it would make sense to tightened security on the church building, what happened to...

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Black Church News: Detroit Pastor asking for public’s help to catch church thieves | AT2W

Bishop Eddie Long New Birth Academy Closes Due to Bad Economy/Low Enrollment? Right!

new birth academy closing
Bishop Eddie Long New Birth Academy to Close Due to Bad Economy/Low Enrollment

We all know that there is only one reason and one reason only why Eddie Long's academy is closing down: No one wants their children attending a school where many of his accusers attended and were sexually coerced by him. They can come up with as many excuses as they want, but that is the bottom line. Bishop Long and New Birth church will never be the same again. It will continue to crumble and be riddled with scandal until he comes clean and does right by those he's wronged over the years. This has even more to do with other issues and not just the sex scandal. We can't even mention all of the other financial schemes that have the church in court now because their bishop was trying to make a profit.

Enough said. Read below on the latest and more details on the New Birth academy closing.

Report from WSBTV:
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church confirms it will close down its Christian Academy at the end of this school year, citing a bad economy and low enrollment.
"The closing of Faith Community Christian Academy ends an era for one of Georgia's premier Christian schools," school officials said in a written statement.
The academy, located on New Birth church grounds in Lithonia, suddenly closed in January 2012 due to economic troubles, but reopened shortly after with help from a new partnership with a local private entity called the Aurora Schools. But it doesn't appear to be enough to save the school this time.
According to New Birth's website, the school opened in 1993 as New Birth Christian Academy, and at one time boasted an enrollment of more than 200 students. But a church spokesperson said the current enrollment is at about 40, not nearly enough to be able to keep the school economically viable.
He said this is a growing trend among private Christian academies as more and more of them are hit with economic hardships. The church does not believe the problems are related to the controversy surrounding church founder Bishop Eddie Long and allegations of sexual abuse.

Will we ever hear Michael Whitsey’s Good sermons again?

After hearing one of Michael Whitsey's good sermons, at his, we wonder how such a man of God's Word could go back to selling drugs?  It seems like this former pastor had a good handful of church members and saying all the good things people need to hear. Pastor...

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Black Church News: Will we ever hear Michael Whitsey’s Good sermons again? | AT2W

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Shawnee pastor Jerry Barham arrested in federal child porn investigation


We don't mean any harm, but after viewing the following video, we've come to realize some white Christians are just as ignorant as some black ones whom excuse their pastor's lust as only being human.    Folks, we're talking about child porn.   This man in the above photo, Jerry Barham and his good friend, Melissa Loman have both been arrested for child porn.   Yes, we are all human...

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Shawnee pastor arrested in federal child porn investigation | AT2W

Gospel from the Stripper’s Pole: Female Preaches While Dressing Provocatively

female preacher breasts
Can you really preach with your breasts out?

Who in the world will take her seriously with her breast hanging out? If anything men and women will come to her her 'preach' just to check her out. SMH!! Beware! This is NOT the TRUE CHURCH!!!

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Gospel from the Stripper’s Pole: How Latascha Emanuel Preaches with Her Breasts on Display? [VIDEO] | AT2W

Friday, March 8, 2013

Why Does the Mega Black Church Glorify World’s Hip Hop/Rap in Gospel Music?


Now, as children of the most high God, it does not make sense for these black churches whom are now mega to glorify the world's hip/hop and rap in gospel music, if there has been actual blood sacrifices in the world, allegedly.   According to Professor Griff, a few high profile hip hop celebrity millionaires have taken an oath for their fame and fortune.  If this is true, then what is the...

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Why Does the Mega Black Church Glorify World’s Hip Hop/Rap in Gospel Music, If There has been alleged Blood Sacrifices? | AT2W

Verizon Wireless Turns In Church Deacon For Child Porn Possession on Account

Verizon Wireless Turns In Church Deacon For Pedophilia Found on His Online Account

Now, this is the type of news we like to hear. Whenever companies start being proactive in helping us catch predators, we are moving in the right direction. Read the report below.

Via Baltimore Sun reports:
William Steven Albaugh, 67, a deacon at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church on Belair Road, was arrested at his Nottingham home at 7:45 a.m. Police had searched Albaugh’s Treadway Court home and said they found images of children on his Verizon Online account and on thumb drives.
Reports say police can not confirm at this time that the children were members of the church he attended.
He told police he has viewed child flicks since the 1970s, when he would go to adult bookstores in Baltimore, according to charging documents. Albaugh told police he saved the images to his computer but said he would never harm a child, the documents say.
It's a dangerous thing to have a man around who has been view kiddie porn since the 1970's!
Police said they recovered numerous files, including graphic images and videos.
A statement from the Archdiocese of Baltimore say Albaugh was ordained in 1996 and assigned to St. Joseph Church. The church  has suspended him from his duties and from the building.
“Neither the parish nor the Archdiocese has received any prior allegations against Mr. Albaugh, who successfully fulfilled all of the child & youth protection requirements of the Archdiocese, including a criminal history screening,” the statement said.
Detectives began investigating Albaugh after Verizon Online notified the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that Albaugh, a subscriber, had stored images of children engaged in sexual acts on the online cloud storage system, police said.
Police recovered two CPU towers, a laptop computer, multiple storage devices and an iPad. Albaugh told police that he used the tablet to view graphic websites that include pictures of children, according to charging documents.
Albaugh was released on $75,000 bond. The investigation is continuing, police said.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kilgore pastor Glenn Douglas Barton arrested in child sex assault case

This pastor of Calvary Way Church, Glenn Douglas Barton, 62, has been arrested for child molestation.   We are afraid to admit, but there must be a very small percentage of pastors whom are not possessed with the demon to sexually attack children.   Saints of God, if we cannot trust pastors, bishops, evangelists or even music ministers around our children, then whom can...

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Kilgore pastor arrested in child sex assault case | AT2W

‘Sisterhood’ Reality Star First Lady Christina Murray Launches Clothing Line


Christina is developing her clothing line, Boss Lady Pink Label, which spawned from her need to find church clothes to fit her small frame. “I hated all the good old fashioned church outfits. That’s why they never fit me, because I’m short. It doesn’t look right on me,” she explained.

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‘Sisterhood’ Reality Star First Lady Christina Murray Launches New Ladies Clothing Line | AT2W

Westboro Baptist Church Allegedly Brainwashed Former Member Lauren Drains


This story sort of reminds us of some former members of the Church of Scientology whom have allegedly complained about brainwashing.  This young woman name Lauren Drain allegedly says that the members of the Westboro Baptist Church feels God appointed them to speak out.   Her family is still with the...

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Lauren Drains allegedly says Westboro Baptist Church brainwashed her | AT2W

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Youth Pastor Louis Joseph Bristol Arrested for Rape of Teens and Sell of Grass to Minors

 Louis Joseph Bristol arrested

A youth pastor has been arrested for raping teenage girls he met at a California central coast church. Santa Barbara County sheriff's investigators say 28-year-old Louis Joseph Bristol was booked on Wednesday for multiple counts of rape, child molestation and selling marijuana to minors.

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Youth Pastor Gone Bad: Louis Joseph Bristol Arrested for Rape of Teens and Sell of Grass to Minors | AT2W

Did Benny Hinn Marry Pastor Paula White?

You are probably saying "What is AT2W talking about?" Well, we all know that the remarriage was set for March 3rd this past weekend for Pastor Benny Hinn and his wife Suzanne. It did in fact happen but can anyone see what we see? This one photo of their remarriage ceremony taken on this past Sunday. Now, is it just us or does Suzanne Hinn look very similar to Pastor Paula White...

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Did Benny Hinn Marry Pastor Paula White Instead? | AT2W

Monday, March 4, 2013

Abortion Doctor Kermit Gosnell Trial Begins in Baby Murder Case

abortion doctor-kermit-gosnell on trial for eight murders

Sisters, we don't know, if you followed our previous story about Dr. Kermit Gosnell who murdered 7 infants with scissors and a pregnant refugee at his west Philadelphia clinic.  However, this is the update, regarding his fate, he is now on trial for murder and also running a pill mill.  He allegedly stored dead unborn babies in his clinic and it was a very gruesome sight, according to...

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Black Women, Trial begins for abortion doctor, Kermit Gosnell | AT2W

World’s Largest Full Gospel Church Pastor Indicted for a $9 Million Stock Scheme

David Yonggi Cho indicted

Yoido Full Gospel Church's David Yonggi Cho is accused of $9 million stock loss and $5.5 billion in tax evasion. The founding pastor of the world's largest Pentecostal congregation is being indicted on charges of breach of trust for costing the church more than $9 million in a stock scheme gone awry.

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Pastor of World’s Largest Full Gospel Church Indicted for a $9 Million Stock Scheme on Church | AT2W

Angel Food Founders Plead Guilty in $140 million Fraud Scandal

The founders of Georgia-based Angel Food Ministries (AFM), a former $140-million distributor of discounted food via church networks, pleaded guilty to federal charges of fraud and money laundering today--five years after the FBI's investigation into the Wingo family's misuse of ministry funds originally began.

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Angel Food Founders Plead Guilty to Misuse of $140 million in Fraud | AT2W

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Former New Birth Pastor Eddie Velez Arrested

pastor eddie velez bishop eddie long

We guess we can't be surprised what news from those stemming from Bishop Eddie Long's New Birth Church. When we used to attend, we thought it was a joke that this pastor was heading their New Birth Latino services! Hilarious! Pastor Eddie Velez was arrested on charges of attacking a referee at Chamblee High School:

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Former New Birth Pastor Eddie Velez Arrested after Attacking HS Referee | AT2W

Pastor Michael Wilkerson of New Millennium Life Restoration Fellowship Convicted in Fraud Scandal

Pastor Michael Wilkerson of New Millennium Life Restoration Fellowship Convicted in Fraud Scandal

We have been waiting on an update to this terrible scandal of a man of God who used his position to take advantage of his church flock.

Pastor Michael Wilkerson with New Millennium Life Restoration Fellowship was convicted this week of getting $6 million in home loan fraud for properties in Schwenksville and Glenmoore.
The pastor is facing up to 180 years in prison.

The reported:
Michael Wilkerson, 47, of Pottstown, along with Denise Haines, 43, of Birdboro, were convicted of devising a scheme to defraud the former Chase Manhattan Bank by fraudulently obtaining $6 million in home loans for properties in Schwenksville and Glenmoore.
Wilkerson, whose church – New Millennium Life Restoration Fellowship – has locations in Phoenixville and Spring City, recruited several of his congregants and their families to act as "straw purchasers" for a number of real estate transactions. So long as the congregants signed the loan documents and attended the property settlement, Wilkerson would pay them $15,000 – plus an additional $5,000 is they could refer another person to participate in the scheme.
Haines, who was employed as a mortgage broker with American Group Mortgage Corporation, would then knowingly submit fraudulent loan applications in the mortgage transactions with Chase Manhattan Bank, falsifying the appraised value of the properties, as well as the "straw purchaser's" assets and income. In doing so, Haines knew Chase Manhattan would approve the loans with minimal verification.
Once the loans were funded at the time of settlement, those involved in the scheme would manipulate the documents to appear as though the "straws" brought a large down-payment to closing. On the contrary, the money involved at settlement had actually come from Chase Manhattan, which the convicted then shared.
Even Wilkerson's wife, Joyce, pleaded guilty to assisting in the scheme by writing out checks to the "straws" and posing as a co-purchaser at the time of settlement, says Additionally, Lee Garell, a real estate broker who also pleaded guilty, prepared the sales paperwork and, along with Wilkerson, dictated the fraudulent terms in the settlement sheets, reports say.

Here's more of how the scheme went on:
After the settlement on the homes had wrapped up, Wilkerson took possession of all of the homes. The release states that he rented at least two of them while living in another. Mortgages were all paid with money from the scheme, as well as the rental income, until Wilkerson told the "straws" that they needed to pay their own mortgages. At that point, the loans fell into default, and then forclosure, resulting in a loss of roughly $3 million.
Wilkerson will be sentenced in June, and he and Haines both face a maximum of 180 years in prison, five years of supervised release and fines up to $6 million.

We surely hope folks take heed to this. It's not worth your integrity and the losing the faith of so many people who jeopardized their livelihoods and credit. 


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Black Church News: Man admits to murdering wife, Detroit Gospel Singer

tony stanford murdered wife-detroit east side

When you look at the above photo, you would think this is a perfect couple.  However, according to this late gospel singer's Facebook page, their marriage was coming to an end.  Lori Stanford obviously had had enough of her husband, Tony Stanford for whatever reason and need to release her emotional distress.   We see happy couples all the time, but we never know what is...

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Black Church News: Man admits to murdering wife, gospel singer on Detroit’s east side | AT2W

Friday, March 1, 2013

Gospel’s Marvin Sapp Questioned By Fan About Working with Kandi Burruss

marvin sapp kandi burruss

We knew someone was going to call Mr. Marvin Sapp on this, at least other than us, that is. Our friends at posted a comment from Facebook  to Marvin Sapp from a fan who questions his motives for helping 'Kandi Koated Knights' Kandi Burruss' production of  her inspirational/gospel song called "Stay Prayed'.

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Gospel’s Marvin Sapp Questioned By Fan About His Motivation to Do Song with Kandi Burruss? | AT2W

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