Sunday, February 22, 2015

Is Their a Narcissistic Gene in the Preacher's Kid?

Is Their a Narcissistic Gene in the Preacher's Kid?

What do you know about your pastor's kids? Are they anything like their narcissistic parents? What can I say about PK's better known as, "Preacher Kids"?  Often times, the term PK's or "Preacher Kids" is used in a descriptive way and as a stereotype. PK's are viewed as the "perfect ones" and/or the next future leaders . When in fact, most PK's are disassociated with the church. Yes-you read that correctly. Most "Preacher Kids" are rebels against the church and their own parents. The REAL question that we should be asking is: What are the real reasons why preacher kids leave the church? Several reasons why some PK's leave the church is this:

Preachers’ kids who leave the faith may do so for a variety of reasons. Many preachers’ kids are deeply hurt by the way church members treat their parents. Young people see the anger and conflict that can arise in even the best of congregations, and they conclude that the “religion” these people profess can’t be real. Young people see these conflicts as hypocrisy...

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Let's About Lesbianism In The Black Church

Let's About Lesbianism In The Black Church

When people hear about gays in the Black Church they automatically think it's the 'gay black man'. When in fact, it is the number of Black lesbians in the Black church that's alarming. Many won't believe the amount of lesbians that's in Black churches... from the Pastor's wife on down. Okay, so let's have Pastor's wives that's a lesbian, the Usher, the Sunday School Teacher, etc. Lesbianism is just as bad as gay men in the Black church, but society treats as if lesbianism doesn't exist in the church. Why is this though? Is it because the "gay Black man" is more noticeable because of his feminine ways? Is it because the Black community stigmatize the male choir director or musician as the gay ones?...

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Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Obnoxious Narcissist Andrew Caldwell


 Andrew Caldwell: The Obnoxious Narcissist

What can I say about the infamous Andrew Caldwell? This type of person is what I call a 'Obnoxious Narcissist'. An Obnoxious Narcissist in my opinion is someone who loves to show off and draw attention to oneself, even if that means doing absolutely anything  to grab the spotlight. Now, doesn't that sounds like Mr. Caldwell. Andrew Caldwell is an embarrassment to all Black churches all over. For people who struggles with  homosexuality and wants to be free, this is the worst advocate that the Black Church could have ever choose to say the words, "I'm not gay no more, I am delivert".

We do not support Mr. Caldwell at all, in fact we believe it was all an publicity stunt...

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A Story about An Apostolic Mother who is Emotionally Abusive and Narcissistic

A Story about An Apostolic Mother who is Emotionally Abusive and Narcissistic

My mother is the oldest girl out of nine children who was raised in a single parent home by my grandmother. When my mother was six years old, her father died in a car accident. I could only imagine the devastation and impact that a child at the age of my mother at that time would have.

 My grandfather's death trigger the narcissistic behavior that my mother suffers with today. My mother emotions were involuntary disruptive because the death of her father, which in turn caused her to later become emotionally abusive towards her children. You see-emotional abuse occurs when the mother tries to fill those needs of hers which normally would have been already been filled during a healthy childhood and adolescence.

Below are characteristics of emotional abusive mothers:

1.Making the child/teen feel responsible for the mother's feelings.
2.Threatening them in general.
3.Threatening them specifically with rejection or abandonment.
4. Threatening them with vague, unstated consequences.
5. Using force upon them. Invalidating their feelings.
6.Laying undeserved guilt on them.
7. Placing undeserved blame on them....

Read the full list of characteristics HERE

Characteristics of the Narcissistic Black Man

 The Narcissistic Black Man

The narcissistic Black man is a dragged out knocked out topic that will take days to explain. On that note, this will be the introduction of my point of view about the narcissistic black man. Get ready because it's going to be epic! Take moment and read the following descriptions about the narcissistic Black man. Stay tuned for part II.

The Narcissistic Black Man is...

Uses "gas-lighting" tactics
Shows no remorse for mistakes or deeds
Unreliable & undependable...

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The Story about one Woman's Narcissist Sister

The Story about one Woman's Narcissist Sister

What can I say about my narcissistic sister, Nicole. Well, she's definitely just like my narcissistic mother. Growing up with a sibling who too is considered narcissistic was difficult. The mind games, jealous rage, and her blackmail tactics has destroyed my trust in her. Was this surprising to me? Certainly not. Nicole is my narcissistic mother 's favorite child, in other words the "golden child". Nicole's abusive ways weren't physical, they were always verbal. She became worst as she has gotten older.

Narcissism is real in the Black community. This article is the introduction of countless stories about my narcissistic sibling...

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Black Churches and the Lies Told to their members

Black Churches and the Lies Told to their members

In our previous articles: The Cult Leader: The Black Preacher and  The Traditional Black Church: Where are We Today we talked about how the Black Church has gotten away from the church our ancestors came from and how today's Black churches are mainly preaching the prosperity sermon. We could not agree more with the video below. Do you agree or disagree?...

Watch must see video HERE

The Egotistical Character, The First Lady


The Egotistical Character, The First Lady

Pardon me, but who came up with the term 'First Lady'? Whoever is responsible for this, has created a mess! And the only ones that's using this term is the Black Church. Why though? FYI black church folks, there's only one true 'First Lady' and guess who that is? President Barack Obama's wife; First Lady, Mrs. Michelle Obama. So, why must the Black Church continue with this? In the Black Church, the term 'First Lady' signifies someone who is to be highly visible, respected, well-dressed, and wears the biggest most flamboyant hats. Well, let me tell you what the title 'First Lady' really is. The term 'First Lady' is not scriptural. It is not Biblical nor spiritual. It is however, made-man, superficial, and consider a egotistical term.

I knew young girls that dreamt about becoming a 'First Lady'. Funny, isn't it! Yep, an  acquaintance of mine admired and talked day and night about becoming a First Lady. Eventually, she became just that. But did you know that most who are considered 'First Lady' aren't as holy as you think they are? You didn't know that huh? In fact, the Black Church 'First Lady' is the most snobbish, scandalmonger, egotistical, and narcissistic character within the church. They're self-absorbed and mean women that will reprimand anyone in a second (think twice before you go to her in confidence)...

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Celebrities Who Grew Up in the Apostolic Church

Celebrities Who Grew Up in the Apostolic Church

Did you know black celebrities like: Toni Braxton, Da Brat, D' Angelo, Angel Haze and many more grew up in the Apostolic Church? Interesting, right? Trust me, I said the same thing :-). I would like to know why they left or their opinion about the Apostolic Faith. Interesting topic-stay tuned...

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Gospel Singer J. Moss is a Disappointing the Black Church

Gospel Singer J. Moss is a Disappointing the Black Church

What's more disgusting and hypocritical is when a Gospel singer sings about God and his awesomeness and turns around and basically (because of his actions) displays to the world that the God that he sings about is a lie. Now hear me out-It is true that God is omnipotent, righteous, and a  forgiving God, but He IS NOT to be mocked at, played with, or taken lightly.

Gospel Singer J. Moss, with his narcissistic egomaniac-egotistical self, thinks that he's 'god' himself and doesn't have to abide by any rules; when in fact he does. Just recently, J. Moss baby mama, LaKisha Hughes came out with the public announcement below:...

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Where is the Traditional Black Church Today?

Where is the Traditional Black Church Today?

In African American history, the "Black Church" has been the focal point for the Black community for centuries. "The Church" has established itself as the greatest source for African American religious enrichment. However, today the term " Black Church" part takes in racial disparities and  the glamorous religious lifestyles within the Black community.

What happen to the Traditional Black Church where all who were of color gathered together in harmony to worship, to help those who needed help, and discuss ways of  escaping bondage from The  Enemy: Narcissistic White Man. Today, the "Black Church" is full of narcissistic prosperity preachers who are scared of "preaching the truth" about today's issues. When was the last time your Black preacher preached about racial disparities in the Black community? Not very often, huh? Right!  In African American history-it was known that the "Black Church" or the "Black Religion" were the threat of white existence. Today, we are no where near where we were in our ancestors days...

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The Black Preacher as a Cult Leader?, Report Says


The Cult Leader: The Black Preacher
Today, the Black Preacher is the most egotistical and controversial character of the times. Below is a video I believe, supports what I just stated. Throughout the video pay close attention to the following: 
1. At 19:05-SamVaknin describes the narcissistic cult leader. In this section he also explains that people are instruments of gratifications, criticism are unheard of, discipline is maintained, and most importantly- the cult leader must have total control of a group of weak minded, unthinking, and reflecting people. The above are examples of a cult leader, which in my opinion is the perfect description of the Black Preacher today. Mr. Vaknin also explains that most cult leaders displays 7 out of 9 NPD traits, which I find extremely alarming...
Read full report HERE

Growing Up Apostolic and How it Affected Me

 Growing Up Apostolic 

Growing up in a small town where everyone practically knew everyone wasn’t exciting at all. My life was consist of church when I was younger-every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday morning and Sunday night was the norm. I grew up in the apostolic faith. At that time, as a child I knew being apostolic meant I and others similar to me couldn’t wear makeup, jewelry, pants, etc. I abhorred this very much. Going to school I could only wear long skirts and everyone knew me as “the Christian Girl” or “Holy-Rolly”. But what I found out later in life was being apostolic isn’t anything special.

You see- apostolic church folks would always identify themselves as “the truth” or the only doctrine that preaches the “the truth”. When in actuality, the apostolic faith is full of pastors that cheats on their wives with members on the church, pastors that steals, first ladies that have affairs, elders that physically abuse their wives, and the list goes on-but you get my drift....

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Exploring Narcisssim in the Black Church

Narcissism in the Pulpit

Is your control freak, 'pimp of a preacher' a narcissist? Take a look at the video below. In my opinion the video perfectly describes the sexual fantasies of a narcissistic preacher.

Watch video HERE

Blacks Need to Know that Narcissism is a Universal Issue

Blacks Need to Know that Narcissism is a Universal Issue

 For awkward reasons, the Black community is uneducated and ignorant about mental illnesses amongst our own people. Why is this? We are no different from the Caucasian community when dealing with mental issues such as: Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar, Childhood Disorders, Cognitive Disorders, and etc. Commonly, the disorder that is recognizably  found in the Black community is (NPD) Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This is nothing new. There's at least two individuals out of every African American household in the United States, that suffers from this condition.

Astonishingly, but we do nothing about it-because we think it is normal. Well, you might ask-what is consider normal in the Black community? Normal in the Black community is when both parents are in the household; yet there's no love, nurturing, or structure coming from either parent because one or both suffers from narcissism unknowingly.  Normal in the Black community is when an verbal abusive father demonizes his son because he hates his mother. Normal in the Black community is when a mother uses gas-lightning to undermine her teenager daughter. Hurtfully, normal in the Black community is when Black Pastors  uses the church to cover up  their own demons of manipulation and sexual gratification....

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Bill Cosby Accuser Agrees with The PREYing Narcissist Blog


 Bill Cosby Accuser Agrees with The PREYing Narcissist Blog

On December 5, 2014 CNN's Don Lemon and Alisyn Camerota interviewed the five accusers who alleged that Bill Cosby raped them years ago.One of the accusers in particular, Victoria Valentino describes Bill Cosby as a narcissistic. She also said there's no cure to narcissism and they lack personal insight. Victoria Valentino and The PREYing Narcissist blog agreed that Bill Cosby does suffers from narcissism personality disorder (NPD). In a previous article titled: Black Celebrities and Pastors that have Narcissistic Characteristics  The PREYing Narcissist explains what type of narcissistic behavior Mr. Cosby suffers from....

Watch video HERE

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Rape Victim Under G.E. Patterson Ministries Reveals Narcissistic Minister


  Narcissistic Minister Raped Innocent Victim Under G.E. Patterson Ministries

Like we said before, narcissism in the Black Church is real. And most of the times, the attacks of narcissism begins with the narcissistic homosexual preacher. In our previous article:Gays in the Narcissistic Black Church we asked a question-what's attracting homosexuals to the black church? Our answer to the question- the narcissistic black preacher.

In the video below,  Lerone Baker (the victim) describes what happened to him 30 years ago from a former minister under G.E.Patterson Ministries...

See the video HERE

What Are the Signs of a Victim of Narcissistic Supply?

Black People: Are you a Victim of Narcissistic Supply?

 In my previous post I defined what narcissistic supply is. As a child my apostolic,abusive, and manipulating mother used her children for her narcissistic supply. We were her primary source. Yes, it is true! My apostolic, 'fire-baptized', 'holy-ghost filled' mother thrived on the accomplishments and disappointments of her children. Below describes what it means to become the source of narcisstic supply:

Sources of Secondary Narcissistic Supply are all those who provide the narcissist with narcissistic supply on a regular basis: spouse, friends, colleague, business partners, teachers, neighbors, and so on. Both these primary and secondary Narcissistic Supply and their triggers and sources are incorporated in a Narcissistic Pathological Space....

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Homosexuals in the Narcissistic Black Church

Gays in the Narcissistic Black Church

I think we all know someone who was raised in church and is gay. This is nothing new. The Black Church is full of gays and lesbians. As a matter of fact, every black church has at least one gay person and one gay pastor. But the real question is this: what's attracting those who are gay to the a narcissistic black church? I mean- don't get me wrong, they are in the right place for deliverance. And again the question is what's attracting those who struggle with homosexuality to a narcissistic black church? Well, let's break it down.

Let's take for an example the black preacher. As I stated before, the black preacher is a egotistical character.The ‘egotistical black preacher’ is usually someone who loves control. This type of preacher expects their members to adhere to their wishes-even if it goes against the Bible and his/her morals...

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The Incapability of My Narcissistic Mother's Love

My Story: The Incapability of My Narcissistic Mother's Love

 After years of verbal abuse I now understood why my mother wasn't capable of loving me. Who and what she perceived to be was all in her imagination. Obviously, her image of herself and how others perceived her to be was imperative that she was willing to demise whoever got in her way through manipulation, lying, and abuse. A normal mothers’ love is a healthy unconditional love that requires a bonding beyond the surface appearance and behavior of someone. A normal mothers’ love is soul based, meaning- she loves you regardless of what was said or happen. Sadly, my ‘holy ghost filled’ ‘fire-baptized’ narcissistic mother doesn’t know the meaning or the feeling of unconditional love.

 My mother rarely said the words “I Love You.” In replace my siblings and I got devilish glares, name calling, lies and her jealous rage. After the confrontation with my mother I begged her twice for her and I to spend time together alone-and have a ‘girls day’ together (you know like: nails, hair, pedicure, & shopping)....

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Confronting a Narcissistic Apostolic Mother


  Confronting a Narcissistic Apostolic Mother

Two days after that tense conversation with my father, my mother decided to call. I remember it like it was yesterday. Everything I would say she would have something to say against it. As a young girl, the memories of my mother constantly telling me that I was fat played with me mentally. My mother and I knew that I was never fat as a child. When I asked her why did she say those things, the lies started. “You’re right Samantha; you were never fat as a child. I’m sorry if I hurt you in the past and even now and I promise you I will never mention your weight again. It’s just that you are a reflection of me and I see myself in you,” said my mother. That conversation didn’t do any good because my “so-called saved” mother kept verbally abusing me...
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The Black Church: Is it All about the Titles and Positions


The Black Church: It's All in the Title
In the “Black Church” it is imperative that you have a title and/or a position. Let the church say ‘Amen’ and let’s all go home- because I just revealed the truth. That’s right, if you don’t carry a title that resembles: Bishop, Elder, Minister, First Lady, Deacon, Arm Bearer, Mother of the Church, etc- you are not important. The black church is a cult that justifies materialism and titles. The Black Church use titles and positions to please people, to make connections and gain approval amongst other affiliations and the community. There are individuals who worship these false preachers, mother's, elders, and bishops because of their position. What many people fail to realize is that whenever you worship another human being you are committing what is called “Idolatry”....

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Narcissistic Characteristics of Black Celebrities and Pastors


Black Celebrities and Pastors that have Narcissistic Characteristics 

The world is full of narcissistic people. They can be your parents, boss, co-worker, or even a friend. Narcissist’s comes off as being charming charismatic individuals- but beware; they are treacherous people that prey on the weak. For instance, the news around the world is focus on Bill Cosby and the numerous of allegations from various women. Before I give my opinion on what type of narcissistic behavior Bill Cosby struggles from- I must first explain the similarities of Bill Cosby and the ‘egomaniac black preacher’.

The ‘egomaniac black preacher’ is usually someone who loves control. This type of preacher expects their members to adhere to their wishes-even if it goes against the Bible and his/her morals. The ‘egomaniac black preacher ‘sees themselves as being more intelligent and knowledgeable than anyone else on any subject and uses their wisdom to draw their narcissistic supply (I will explain what this is later) on the weak. Examples of ‘egomaniac black preacher’ are: Eddie Long (yes, he definitely fits this description-remember the homosexual allegations with those young men from his church), Craig Lamar Davis (the preacher from Georgia that slept with several church members and gave them AIDS) and the list goes on, but you get my drift....

Read more at The Preying Narcissist!

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