Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blacks Need to Know that Narcissism is a Universal Issue

Blacks Need to Know that Narcissism is a Universal Issue

 For awkward reasons, the Black community is uneducated and ignorant about mental illnesses amongst our own people. Why is this? We are no different from the Caucasian community when dealing with mental issues such as: Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar, Childhood Disorders, Cognitive Disorders, and etc. Commonly, the disorder that is recognizably  found in the Black community is (NPD) Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This is nothing new. There's at least two individuals out of every African American household in the United States, that suffers from this condition.

Astonishingly, but we do nothing about it-because we think it is normal. Well, you might ask-what is consider normal in the Black community? Normal in the Black community is when both parents are in the household; yet there's no love, nurturing, or structure coming from either parent because one or both suffers from narcissism unknowingly.  Normal in the Black community is when an verbal abusive father demonizes his son because he hates his mother. Normal in the Black community is when a mother uses gas-lightning to undermine her teenager daughter. Hurtfully, normal in the Black community is when Black Pastors  uses the church to cover up  their own demons of manipulation and sexual gratification....

Read the full story at Preying Narcissist!

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